How to Relax and Slow Down

My life has just started to slow down. I am home for a month, and it feels great. But my emotions are all over the place! I have found it really difficult to control them and just relax. But I’m working through it, and I wanted to give some tips on how you can too.

1. Write your thoughts down in a stream of consciousness. Write whatever comes into your head onto the page, and you might just start to understand your thoughts and feelings a little more. Your brain is likely to spill out some of the things that have been troubling you, and you can then read over it and consolidate your thoughts.

2. Meditate. Take the higher understanding you just gained and meditate on what is troubling you, making sure to Let It Be. Let whatever thoughts and feelings you have sit with you for a while and accept them, and then you can start to work on letting them go. Breathe through them and know that you ARE in control of yourself and can be relaxed and happy just by giving yourself some time and care. You can use guided meditation from YouTube or meditate alone.

3. Yoga/Exercise. Doing yoga in the morning before going about the rest of the day has really helped me. Concentrating solely on my body and breathing helps to take away from social media and other stresses of the world. And physically, I feel much better stretching out after I wake up, releasing all of the tensions and knots in my body. Any exercise releases ‘happy’ endorphins in your body and therefore WILL make you feel better, even if you don’t consciously notice it.

4. Declutter. My family and I have recently been sorting through and disposing of unwanted items in every single room of our house. Even the garden and garage. It feels so good! Clearing through my room genuinely made my mind feel more clear. Not only are you left with a cleaner and happier room, but in the process you can give to charity or even make money off the stuff you no longer want. Both of these things will make you feel slightly happier. At the end of the process you are left with only your favourite possessions- it’s great.

5. Let your emotions out. Put on Titanic and have a good cry if you need to, or talk things through with a close friend and let it off your chest. I usually feel a big sense of relief once I have cried and released some of the pent up emotion inside of me. It’s okay to let it out. In fact it’s better than okay, it’s good. And you’ll likely feel much calmer afterwards.

Those are some of the things I have learned over the past week- I hope they help! Sending hugs, Kiayah xxx

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